Jim Reeves, Jr.

36.19.19N 119.20.01W - Visalia, California, USA

Below is a current image of my APRS screen.

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The following is a list of all the stations heard on RF in the past 60 minutes.

'+' or '-' before a callsign means that it it is a UI-View station
'*' after a callsign means that it was heard via a digi

The list only includes callsigns heard on RF, direct or via digipeaters. It does not include callsigns heard on the internet, or heard as third-party RF traffic via IGATEs. You can search for other callsigns by inputting them in the box below and clicking the Search button.


There are 1 callsigns in the list, click a callsign to get an information page for that station

CallsignSymbolLocation MilesBearingLast heard
-KC6YRUHome36.19.19N 119.20.01W0.00Dec 22 05:12

This page has been accessed 3258 times.
It was last modified 2024-Jun-13 04:12:06 UTC

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